Ideal School Statements:
- Students, staff and families are invested in and feel they are an integral part of school.
- Warmly welcome all members of our school through our words and actions.
- Christ centered school community where wellbeing and growth is nurtured.
- Through our words and actions permeate the love of Christ in everything we do.
- Positive relationships based on respect between all key stakeholders leading to a connectedness to community
- Take the time to get to know our students, families and each other through regular communication to build connectedness and a sense of partnership.
- Structures and routines that promote inclusiveness, consistency and clear communication.
- Establish strong practices to reflect, adapt and communicate.
- An engaged learning community of 21st century learners.
- All stakeholders are continually developing skills and strategies to be effective.
- Provide innovative and inclusive educational opportunities
- Provide stimulating and safe environments that enhance quality learning
- Provide engaging learning opportunities that challenge and develop the academic skills of the learners
- Provide a connected community which works together for a common purpose
- Promotes and develops the gifts of all individuals
- Develop students who will become contributing global citizens
- Develop a strong sense of self and an awareness of others
- Foster healthy relationships between all community members
- Promote and foster resilient students who are able to confidently problem solve in times of difficulty or challenge.
- Inspiring
- Creative
- Caring