Term 1, Week 4, 23 February 2023
Principal Message
As we begin the season of Lent, we are reminded of the significance of Ash Wednesday. This day marks the start of a forty-day period of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving that prepares us for the celebration of Easter.
On Ash Wednesday, we received ashes on our foreheads in the shape of a cross. This is a sign of our mortality and a reminder that we are called to repentance and renewal. The ashes are made from the burnt palms from the previous year's Palm Sunday, reminding us of Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
During Lent, we are called to deepen our relationship with God through prayer, to sacrifice by giving up something that we enjoy, and to help others through acts of charity. As we make these sacrifices, we are reminded of Christ's sacrifice on the cross and the ultimate gift of his life.
As a Catholic school community, we have many opportunities to live out the pillars of Lent. We can attend Mass, pray the Rosary, participate in the Stations of the Cross, and volunteer at local charities. By doing so, we are reminded of the importance of our faith and the impact we can have on the world around us.
Let us use this time of Lent to grow closer to God and to one another. May we reflect on our lives and strive to be better versions of ourselves. May we offer our sacrifices with love and humility, knowing that they are pleasing to God. And may we remember that through Christ's death and resurrection, we have been given the gift of eternal life.
Thank you to our stage 2 students and Miss O'Leary for leading our school in the beautiful Ash Wednesday liturgy and also to the families who wre able to join us.
Wishing you a blessed and fruitful Lenten season.
To Download the 2023 Parent handbook, please click the link below.
Upcoming Dates
Please find below a list of dates savers below of events that are occuring over the next few weeks.
- Monday 6th March - Pupil Free Day
- 15th-27th March - NAPLAN Testing Window (Yrs 3 & 5)
- 2nd April-7th April - Holy Week
- 3rd April-5th April - School Holy Week Celebrations
- Wednesday 5th April - Last Day of Term 1
- Thursday 6th April - Pupil Free Day
- Monday 24th April - Pupil Free Day
- Tuesday 25th April - ANZAC Day
- Wednesday 26th April - First Day of Term 2
This year we will also have the following ongoing items:
- School Newsletter will be available every two weeks starting in week 2. Link will be posted on Compass.
- School Assembly will be on Monday afternoons from 2:20pm onwards. Every second week will be an opportunity for each class to share learning that has occured and it would be great to have all parents attending!!
- Week 2 - Kindy
- Week 4 - Stage 3
- Week 6 - Stage 1 MacKillop
- Week 7 - Stage 2
- Week 8 - Stage 1 Carthage
Eating and Play
As you are aware, we have been trialling a 'flip' to our lunch breaks with the children playing first, before eating. Thank you to the parents who have already provided some feedback regarding this trial. We look forward to sitting down towards the end of the term and reviewing this trial to make a decision moving forward. Some further notes regarding this swap:
- The students get the same eating (10min) and play time (20min) as they did in 2022. It is just in a different order.
- We are aware that some students are struggling to finish their food in the allocated eating time. As part of this change, teachers agreed to give time to students who required extra time, so this is at their descretion when they collect students from the eating area. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions about this.
- To ensure this is a smooth transition, students who are seated first and remain seated for eating time are given tickets, which are added into a total for their class. At the end of 5 weeks, the class with the most tickets get 15mins extra play. Score updates are given at assembly each Monday.
Parent Forum Update
Please find attached the minutes from the Parent Forum Group Meeting, which was held on Tuesday evening last week.
With the school Fete looking to be held in Term 4 this year, the forum is looking for a group or parent organisers to join the Forum Executive and work together as a team and think of ideas for the fete. The meeting scheduled for any interested parents will be held at school on 2nd March at 2:45pm.
Thank you for everyone's contributions to the Forum and to the parents who volunteer their time to help out! It is much appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Dave Bermingham
Assistant Principal
Mathematics K–2
Learning Mathematics in K–2 enables students to become confident, effective users and communicators of mathematics. They develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical concepts and processes that helps them interpret and solve problems. Students make connections within mathematics and connect mathematical concepts with the world around them. They learn to understand and appreciate how mathematics is a relevant part of their lives.
The reformed Mathematics K–2 syllabus organises the outcomes and their related content into 3 areas:
- Number and algebra
- Measurement and space
- Statistics and probability.
The important role of Working Mathematically is incorporated into all areas of mathematics.
Working mathematically in Mathematics K–6
A new syllabus will be introduced next year for Years 3 to 6. However, the working mathematically processes are part of every lesson regardless of the year level. The processes are:
- communicating
- understanding and fluency
- reasoning
- problem-solving.
Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 learn to work mathematically by using these processes in an interconnected way. When students are Working mathematically it is important to help them to reflect on how they have used their thinking to solve problems. This assists students to develop ‘mathematical habits of mind’.
Students need many experiences that require them to relate their knowledge to the vocabulary and concepts of mathematics.
A student develops understanding and fluency in mathematics through:
- exploring and connecting mathematical concepts
- choosing and applying mathematical techniques to solve problems
- communicating their thinking and reasoning coherently and clearly
Each day students at St John’s participate in a range of tasks that develop their ability to work mathematically. The photos show students working with hands-on materials, drawing visual representations and solving a shared problem together. It is the discussion about the ways they solve problems that really helps them to think like a mathematician.
Our birthday people are:
Louis, Jet & Miss McEvoy
Piano Lessons
Piano lessons in 2023 at St John’s, during school hours and after school.
Enquiries please call Daniel Holland 0401 071 667